Wednesday, January 29, 2020
Acceleration Due to Gravity Essay Example for Free
Acceleration Due to Gravity Essay An air track is an apparatus that simulates the effects of frictionless motion. A known mass is attached to an air-cart on an air-track apparatus. Attached by string, the air-cart is pulled by the known mass when hung over a pulley. A spark timer will mark the motion at a frequency of 10 Hz (10 dots/s) on a strip of paper called ticker tape. The air-track will supply air through the apparatus to simulate a frictionless environment, enabling the system of masses to move without an applied force or a frictional force. This experiment will measure the motion of an air cart attached to a known mass by string moving on an air track using kinematics and dynamics concepts. The kinematics concept of uniform accelerated motion and the dynamics concepts of Newton’s Second Law and systems of masses will be used. The equations relating to these concepts are: d âÆ'‘= (v_i ) âÆ'‘t+ 1/2 a âÆ'‘t^2 and F_net=ma âÆ'‘ . The accepted value of acceleration due to gravity is . See more: Masters of Satire: John Dryden and Jonathan Swift Essay In this activity, an air-cart’s motion will be graphically analyzed. A mass will be attached to the air-cart by a string and hung over pulley with the other end attached to an air-cart resting on a frictionless surface. The study of the motion of the system of masses will be used to determine the velocity of the masses from an analysis of the displacement versus time data. This velocity will then be used to calculate the acceleration of the system of masses and therefore the acceleration due to gravity. A spark timer will mark the motion at a frequency of 10 Hz (10 dots/s) on a strip of paper called ticker tape.
Monday, January 20, 2020
Achieve Success Now Essay -- GCSE Business Marketing Coursework
Achieve Success Now We all want to have a life full of success. Many people assume without question that success is essentially material, that it can be measured in money, prestige, or an abundance of possessions. These can certainly play a role, but having such things is no guarantee of success. The success that we should strive for is the ability to love and have compassion, the capacity to feel joy and spread it to others, the security of knowing that one’s life serves a purpose, and finally, a sense of connection to the power of the universe. All of these are what create the dimensions of success, which will bring inner fulfillment. We as human beings are made of mind, body, and spirit. Of these, spirit is the most important, for it connects us to the source of everything. In other words we can describe it as our conscience. The more clearly that we think, the more we will enjoy the abundance of the universe. Our conscience is broken down into many different layers, the most important being our self-esteem. Our self-esteem is portrayed by our interactions with others. â€Å"Some simple examples of how we should use are self esteem is:  · Always greet people with a smile. As simple as it sounds, a smile establishes your own self-worth and shares it with others.  · Always say â€Å"thank you†when you are praised. A simple thank you is the universal mark of an individual with self-esteem.  · Surround yourself with people who enjoy their work. People with self-esteem seem to radiate it to others.†The second most important layer of the conscience is our attitude. 2â€Å"A positive attitude means everything†. Have you ever noticed when you enter a room with a huge smile on your face, give someone a c... ... right and expand them. In other words we must learn to give a hundred and ten percent and never give up. Remember the first step to success is to think BIG and always believe in yourself in whatever you do. Bibliography: Applegate, Jane. Succeeding In Small Business. New York: Plume, 1992. Boone, Louis E. Boone & Kurt’s Business. Fortworth: Oryden Press, 1995 Davenport, Rita. Making Time, Making Money. New York: St. Martin’s Press, 1982. Griffen, Ricky W. How To Succeed In The Business World. 2nd ed. Boston: Houghton Mifflin Co., 1988 Jassinowski, Jerry, and Robert Hamrin. Making It In America. New York: Simon & Schulster, 1995. Pride, William M. Business. New Jersey: Prentice Hall, 1989. Vesper, Joan, and Vincent Ryan Ruggiero. Contemporary Business Communication. New York: Harper Collins College Publishers, 1993
Sunday, January 12, 2020
Analysis of Bullet in the Brain
The short story â€Å"Bullet in the Brain†is written by Tobias Wolff. The story takes place in a bank, where we meet the main character Anders. We see the incident from an omniscient narrator’s point of view. The short story is told in chronological order with flashback.We meet Anders in the beginning of the text as a rude and sarcastic man, who has the need to be sarcastic towards a strange woman. When Anders gets shot in the head, the first thing the narrator tells the reader is the things, which did not pass before his eyes.What we hear about here is things he has experienced in his adult life. The narrator returns to Anders real thoughts, and takes the reader back in time to his childhood. In the last part we once again return to the present moment. Anders critiques the bank robbers, as he would criticize one of the books.For example you can tell he is criticizing them, when he says: â€Å"(†¦) Great script, eh? The stern, brass-knuckled poetry of the dangero us classes†He finds these bank robbers to be predictable in their actions, and he cannot take them seriously.â€Å"Did you hear that? †Anders said. â€Å"Bright boy†Right out of â€Å"The Killers†. Tobias Wolff introduces flashbacks, when Anders gets shot in the head, to show the reader his highlights in his, now ending, life.Wolff accentuate the fact that, what Anders did not remember, is just as important and telling about his personality, as what he did remember. The narrator is introducing Anders’ flashbacks by list, what the reader would assume.
Saturday, January 4, 2020
How Spiritualism Is A Form Of Worship - 1352 Words
Spiritualism is a form of worship that believes in both a world of matter and material things, such as people, animals, etc., and a world of spirits or metaphysical beings and happenings. The religion of Hawaii was partially spiritualism and also polytheistic. Polytheism is the belief in many gods. (Imagine) Their gods ruled over the natural occurrences of the world such as the seas, volcanoes, earth, and sky. (Got Religion) One major volcano that was particularly precious to them was Mauna Kea. Mauna Kea was believed to be the place where the sky god met the god of earth; also it was where the other deities met. Basically, Mauna Kea was the Hawaiian Mount Olympus. James Kimo Kealii Pihana, a Mauna Kea Ranger mentions that Hawaiians go†¦show more content†¦Many were driven from their homes to reservations, or forced to bend a knee to the white man s ways. One tribe, the Cherokee, was compelled to leave their lands in Oklahoma by the United States Government. Compelled to mar ch with the provisions and belongings they could carry upon their back or horse, many died of exposure, starvation, or disease. (Trail) This event came to be known as â€Å"The Trail of Tears†. These people were forced from their lands, homes, worship sites, and ancestral burial grounds in the name of progress. Foreign progress, to them, if I may add. They, at their core, did not care that Continental America was flourishing. They only wanted to be left alone in their ancestral homeland. Now, in their eyes, they were being persecuted for their faith and culture. One group of Sioux stood up against the tide of imperialism. They were victorious at the Battle of Little Bighorn, but were defeated at the massacre of Wounded Knee. Wounded Knee was the final major conflict that put the majority of the Native Americans in their â€Å"place†. The Sioux under Big Foot were ordered to give up their fire arms. They responded with a reply, saying they had none. The medicine man beg an to dance the â€Å"Ghost Dance†frantically, while wearing paint. The soldiers, fearing an outbreak of violence was about to occur, opened fire. When the haze of smoke had cleared, the bodies of men,
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