Friday, December 27, 2019
The Genetic Disorder Of Trisomy 21 - 1481 Words
The genetic disorder of Trisomy 21, or Down syndrome is one that has often interested me. I understand that many children born with his genetic disorder can in fact live a full life, often with assistance. When answering the question of what exactly Down syndrome is, a good definition can be one describing this disorder as a genetic condition where a person has an extra 21st chromosome. The typical person has 46 chromosomes, therefore the person born with Down syndrome has 47. This extra chromosome brings with it some physical and cognitive characteristics that include mild to severe cognitive delay, low muscle tone, stunted growth, an easily identifiable upward slant to the eyes, generally a deep crease across the center of the palm and the appearance of a flat face. We have to keep in mind however, that each person with Down syndrome is an individual and might have some of these characteristics to different degrees, or possibly none at all. Down syndrome is one of the most common genetic disorders in the United States with 1 out of close to every 700 births being linked to the disorder. When identifying the cause of Down syndrome, again we have to look at the extra, very important part of chromosome 21 that occurs in all or some associated with Down syndrome. Although there is no real scientific research showing that Down syndrome is caused by environmental factors or even the parents activities before or during pregnancy, research has shown that it increases inShow MoreRelated Down Syndrome Essay676 Words  | 3 Pagessyndrome is a genetic disorder in which a person is born with an extra copy of chromosome 21. There are three genetic variations that cause Down syndrome: Trisomy 21, Mosaic Trisomy 21 or Translocation Trisomy 21. There are many ways in which theses disorders affect the body.  Trisomy 21 occurs when an egg or sperm comes in with an extra copy of chromosome 21, then, once an embryo is formed and starts to develop, the chromosome is replicated in every single cell of the embryo. Trisomy 21 is the mostRead MoreGenetic Disorder And The Human Genome1081 Words  | 5 PagesGenetic Disorder is having to do with your health and body. Some people can get it and some people don’t get it every body is different. Now I am going to tell you what a Genetic disorder is, it’s an illness caused by changes or mutation in a person s DNA sequence. The mutation can be caused by an error of the DNA replication. It can also be caused by other things such as cigarette smoke and exposure to radiation which causes the change in the DNA sequence. Now I’m going to introduce the human genomeRead MoreDown Syndrome As A Cognitive Disorder Essay1315 Words  | 6 Pages Down syndrome as a cognitive disorder Down syndrome (DS) is relatively well known as a genetic disorder to the general public and children with this syndrome form one of the most readily identifiable groups of children with moderate to severe learning difficulties. It has been over 130 years since Langdon Down first described DS and 30 years since the presence of the defining extra copy of chromosome 21 was identified by Lejeune and his team of French geneticistsRead MoreEssay on Trisomy 2: A Gift or a Curse?878 Words  | 4 Pagesfactor of cognitive impairment, is a genetic disorder where three chromosomes 21 are inherited. In other words, a person with a disorder of Down syndrome receives an extra set of chromosome 21. Studies have shown, about 95%, on average, of Down syndrome victims inherit the extra chromosome 21, and the other percentage only receives an extra chromosome 21 in the muscle cells. It can range from mild to severe. The people who only receive an extra chromosome 21 in a specific location is called mosaicRead MoreDown Syndrom1638 Words  | 7 PagesIntroduction a) Who discovered Down syndrome b) What is Down syndrome Body research A. What Causes it and is it inherited? 1-Trisomy 21 2-Mosaic Down syndrome 3-Translocation Down syndrome B. How Down syndrome affects Kids 1-Physical features 2-Learning C. Risk factors 1-Advancing maternal age 2- Being carriers of the genetic translocation for Down syndrome 3-Having had one child with Down syndrome D. Health Issues 1- Health complications 2-Average lifeRead MoreA Brief Look at Down Syndrome670 Words  | 3 Pageswhen there is extra full or partial copy of chromosome 21. Down Syndrome is a chromosomal condition that causes low muscle tone, small stature, and a single deep crease across the center of the palm. Although, each person with Down Syndrome is a unique individual and may have these characteristics to different degrees. The cause of nondisjunction is still unknown, although scientists have made steps further to understanding this genetic disorder. For centuries, people with Down Syndrome were thoughtRead MoreThe Medical Condition Known As Down Syndrome970 Words  | 4 Pagessyndrome: Diagnosis and Treatment Down syndrome is commonly known by the public as a disease that causes physical and mental disabilities in people. Down syndrome is known by the scientific community as a genetic disorder of the twenty-first chromosome. As a result of this genetic disorder other systems of the body are also affected, this includes mental and physical disabilities. Down syndrome â€Å"is a lifelong condition†¦ that happens before birth†(WebMD, 2015). According to the National DownRead MoreApproximately three to four percent of babies born every year are born with some kind of genetic700 Words  | 3 PagesApproximately three to four percent of babies born every year are born with some kind of genetic disorder. A genetic disorder is described as an illness caused by an error in one’s genome, and is usually hereditary. To understand how these errors occur, one must first understand the basic concept of genes. Genes are the basic units of heredity and are made up of pieces of DNA that instruct the cell how to make specific proteins. Humans are estimated to have about 20,000 to 30,000 genes in their genomeRead MoreGeneral Information On Down Syndrome Essay814 Words  | 4 PagesDown syndrome is a genetic disorder most commonly caused by extra copies of chromosome 21. It occurs randomly during cell division in fetal development. This paper will discuss general information on Down syndrome, which will include the discovery of syndrome, the types and causes, the risk factors. Furthermore, this paper will also discuss the sign and symptoms, diagnosis and treatment. General background Down syndrome is a genetic disorder occurs in every individual regardless of gender, ethnicityRead MoreHistory of the Patau Syndrome1850 Words  | 7 PagesPatau Syndrome, otherwise known as T13 is a very rare and lethal genetic disorder in which a person has three copies of chromosome 13 instead of two. T13 is characterized by the presence of an assortment of heart and brain malformation in newborns. Children with the disease are often born with multiple birth defects that are normally associated with T13 but not limited to it, including small eyes, undescended testicles, cleft lip/palate, and they consistently exhibit signs of mental deficiency and/or
Thursday, December 19, 2019
Essay about Socrates vs Gilgamesh - 1173 Words
Joe Arce 19 Sept 2011 Socrates Vs. Gilgamesh Socrates’ view of death in the Phaedo, Crito, and Apology is complex. His argument tries to prove that philosophers, of all people, are in the best state to die or will be in the best state after life because of the life they lead. Socrates’ views are sharply contrasted in The Epic of Gilgamesh. In fact, he would probably say that Gilgamesh had not lived the proper kind of life and his views of life, and death would lead to an unsettled existence in the afterlife. Socrates’ view of death, from his opinions on the act of dying, the state of the soul after death, and the fear of death, differs from that of The Epic of Gilgamesh to the extent that Socrates would refute every belief about death†¦show more content†¦Enkidu’s death is the consequence of insulting the Gods. Socrates would disagree with the belief that death is a punishment from the Gods for several reasons. In the Phaedo, he claims that the tr ue lover of wisdom, that is the philosopher, â€Å"must escape from the body and observe matters in themselves with the soul by itself†(Plato 103). So, since death is the separation of the soul from the body, only at death can we gain true wisdom. He says, â€Å"Wisdom itself is a kind of cleansing . . . he who arrives [in the underworld] purified and initiated will dwell with the gods†(Plato 106). Evidently, if the soul can only attain wisdom from death and if that wisdom leads to purification, which assures you a place with the gods, then Socrates would disagree with The Epic of Gilgamesh that death is a punishment from the gods. This evidence leads us to a look at the contrasting views of an afterlife. In the Phaedo, Socrates explains how the soul exists in the afterlife through the use of two main theories, the theory of opposites and the theory of recollection. It is important to note that he also draws a connection between the soul and wisdom as a rationalizati on for his belief in an afterlife, saying, â€Å"When the soul investigates by itself it passes into the realm of what is pure, ever existing, immortal and unchanging . . . its experience then is what we call wisdom†(Plato 118). By relating the two he canShow MoreRelatedCatal Hyuk2725 Words  | 11 PagesLascaux Cave Paintings Neolithic Revolution Agricultural Revolution MAP: Olduvai Gorge Neander Valley Catal Huyluk Lascaux CHAPTER TWO: Early Societies in SW Asia and Indo-European Migrations IDENTITIES: The Epic of Gilgamesh Sargon of Akkad Hammurabi’s Codes/Laws Stele Assyrians Economic Specialization Stratified Patriarchal Society Elite, Commoner, Dependent, Slave Cuneiform Moses Polytheism Cross-Cultural Interaction Cross-Cultural
Wednesday, December 11, 2019
Bob marley1 Essay Example For Students
Bob marley1 Essay Bicameral legislature- A congress made up of two houses. In the U. S. it is the senate and the House of Representatives. Constitutional convention agreed to a bicameral legislation. Congressional Sessions- Each term of congress starts on January 3 of odd numbered years and lasts for two years. Sessions- a meeting that takes place twice in congress and usually lasts for most of the year. Congress remains in session until its members vote to adjourn. After adjournment the president may call congress back into meeting as a special session. Membership of the House- a total of 435 members make up the house of representatives. Seats are allotted to each state and the number of seats that state is allowed to have is based on its population. Every state is entitled to at least one seat no matter how small the population is. To qualify to be a member of the house you must be at least 25 years of age, a resident of the US for 7 years and a legal resident of the state you represent.(Usually live in the district they represent. ) Terms of the house are for two years. Representation and reapportionment- the census bureau takes a national census, or population count, every 10 years to assign representation according to population. The population of each state determines the new number of representatives, which is called reapportionment. Congressional Redistricting- The process of setting up new district lines after reapportionment has been completed. Gerrymandering- means that the political party controlling the state government draws a districts boundaries to gain an advantage in elections. The term gerrymandering can be traced to Elbridge Gerry, a governor of Massachusetts. Membership of the Senate- The senate is composed of two senators from each state, thus each state is represented equally. Todays senators includes 100 members2 from each of the 50 states. To qualify as a senator you must at least 30 years old, a citizen of the US for 9 years, and a legal resident of the State they represent. All voters of each state elect senators at-large, or statewide. Unlike a representative of the house a senator serves his or her term for six years, inducting a new senator every two years. A congressmans pay must follow the 27 amendment, which says that the salary voted on by congress will not be in effect till the next session. Exclusion- the right of congress not to seat a member inducted by a majority vote. Censure- a formal disapproval of a members actions. Characteristics- most of the members of congress are lawyers. The others usually in business, banking, and education. Incumbents- Those already in office that win reelection. Political action committees- Provide substantial campaign funds, usually supporting incumbents. Incumbents are successful in reelection because it is easier to raise funds, can represent districts that have been gerrymandered in their partys favor, incumbents are better known to voters, and they use their position and office staff to help solve problems for voters. Constituents- the people in a district represented. Caucus- a closed meeting. Majority Leaders- The speakers top assistant. Their job is to help plan the partys legislative program, steer important bills through the house, and make sure the chairpersons of the many committees finish work on bills important to the party. Whips are assistant floor leaders. The whips job is to watch how majority-party-members intend to vote on bills, to persuade them to vote as their party wishes, and to see that party members are present to vote. Bills- A proposed law. Not actually a law until congress votes and passes it, then the president must sign it. To introduce a bill members drop their idea into a box called a Hopper. .ube9f125e5146ca0a87f0af8d57dd34bf , .ube9f125e5146ca0a87f0af8d57dd34bf .postImageUrl , .ube9f125e5146ca0a87f0af8d57dd34bf .centered-text-area { min-height: 80px; position: relative; } .ube9f125e5146ca0a87f0af8d57dd34bf , .ube9f125e5146ca0a87f0af8d57dd34bf:hover , .ube9f125e5146ca0a87f0af8d57dd34bf:visited , .ube9f125e5146ca0a87f0af8d57dd34bf:active { border:0!important; } .ube9f125e5146ca0a87f0af8d57dd34bf .clearfix:after { content: ""; display: table; clear: both; } .ube9f125e5146ca0a87f0af8d57dd34bf { display: block; transition: background-color 250ms; webkit-transition: background-color 250ms; width: 100%; opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #95A5A6; } .ube9f125e5146ca0a87f0af8d57dd34bf:active , .ube9f125e5146ca0a87f0af8d57dd34bf:hover { opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #2C3E50; } .ube9f125e5146ca0a87f0af8d57dd34bf .centered-text-area { width: 100%; position: relative ; } .ube9f125e5146ca0a87f0af8d57dd34bf .ctaText { border-bottom: 0 solid #fff; color: #2980B9; font-size: 16px; font-weight: bold; margin: 0; padding: 0; text-decoration: underline; } .ube9f125e5146ca0a87f0af8d57dd34bf .postTitle { color: #FFFFFF; font-size: 16px; font-weight: 600; margin: 0; padding: 0; width: 100%; } .ube9f125e5146ca0a87f0af8d57dd34bf .ctaButton { background-color: #7F8C8D!important; color: #2980B9; border: none; border-radius: 3px; box-shadow: none; font-size: 14px; font-weight: bold; line-height: 26px; moz-border-radius: 3px; text-align: center; text-decoration: none; text-shadow: none; width: 80px; min-height: 80px; background: url(; position: absolute; right: 0; top: 0; } .ube9f125e5146ca0a87f0af8d57dd34bf:hover .ctaButton { background-color: #34495E!important; } .ube9f125e5146ca0a87f0af8d57dd34bf .centered-text { display: table; height: 80px; padding-left : 18px; top: 0; } .ube9f125e5146ca0a87f0af8d57dd34bf .ube9f125e5146ca0a87f0af8d57dd34bf-content { display: table-cell; margin: 0; padding: 0; padding-right: 108px; position: relative; vertical-align: middle; width: 100%; } .ube9f125e5146ca0a87f0af8d57dd34bf:after { content: ""; display: block; clear: both; } READ: Rap Lyrics Essay After the bill is introduced the speaker of the house sends it to the appropriate committee for study, discussion, and review. Bills are then put onto the house calendars. Calendars- list bills that are up for consideration. 5 different calendars. Union calendar (bills for consideration, house calendar(public bills), private calendar(bills that deal with individual people or places, consent calendar(bills with a unanimous consent to debate out of regular order) , and discharge calendar(Petitions to discharge a bill from committee).Rules committee serves as the traffic
Tuesday, December 3, 2019
The Candle free essay sample
The first baseball commissioner, Kenesaw MountainLandis, once said, Every boy builds a shrine to some baseball hero, andbefore that shrine, a candle always burns. Mr. Landis went to that bigballpark in the sky a long time ago, but the words he said still hold true today,at least in my case. When Landis said a shrine, though, he wasspeaking generally. He knew every kid idolizes the game in a slightly differentway; some collect cards and others write books. I built a room. My bedroomis my own little slice of baseball heaven. I love every part of it, from thecarpet on the floor to the posters on the walls. It is a sanctuary. Only men likeDiMaggio and Williams get past Pete Rose (the St. Peter of my heaven) and throughthe pearly gates. I created this space for them and them alone. They are safehere, safe to play the game they love forever, no matter what their age. We will write a custom essay sample on The Candle or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page I admirethese men and respect what they did for the game, and that is why I created myroom. So, since Pete Rose does not allow mortals into my heaven, I will describejust how grand my dwelling is. Soon after you pass CharlieHustle you realize just how much my room is like a baseball field. Browncarpeting covers the floor, but it is no normal brown. It is brown like the dirton opening day at Yankee Stadium, brown like tanned leather. The carpet is coarseand tough, yet smooth. There would not be a missed ground ball on my infield. Thewalls of my room are the color of the sky on a midsummer afternoon, a cloudlessblue, perfect for a ball game. Upon those walls of wonderful blue ishistory, snapshots of times when life was good and men were heroes. In one,Willie Mays makes a miraculous catch. In another, Cal Ripken, Jr. stands with capraised after surpassing insurmountable odds and breaking an unbreakable record.Mickey Mantle has a space on my wall to himself. These men are gods and theirkingdom is my room. Babe Ruth sits like Zeus in a kings throne, and JackieRobinson streaks across a photo like Mercury. Each wall and each mans portraitis a piece of the history of baseball. I sit in my room in silence,oblivious to the sounds of the outside world. Instead, I listen to the sounds ofthe game. I love to hear the roar of the crowd and the deafening cheers that themen on my wall receive whenever they step out of their dugouts. Hearing the crackof a bat, I smile. The umpire bellows, Youre out! and draws jeersfrom the fans. Then, from the walls come the voices of the players. Theyspeak to me softly, like a mother whispers to her child. Ted Williams tells me tokeep my eye on the ball. Yogi Berra says, It aint over til itsover. When you leave my room, you know you have just leftsomething special. Having walked upon that surreal earth and gazed up at thatblue sky, you feel a sense of ease and wonderment. In essence, you have been apart of history. You have looked at the pictures that hang on my walls, and eachhas told you a story. And, if you are lucky like I am, you have heard thebeautiful sounds of baseball. If you are even more fortunate, the spirits of theimmortal heroes of the game have spoken to you. Kenesaw Mountain Landissaid, Every boy builds a shrine to some baseball hero. After seeingmy room, there is no doubt that it is a remarkable place to worship the gods ofthe game. It is much more than that, though. My room is baseball heaven. As youleave and look back, youll see the aura of a candle that burns eternally.
Wednesday, November 27, 2019
How Mary Shelley Creates Sympathy For Monster English Literature Essay Essay Example
How Mary Shelley Creates Sympathy For Monster English Literature Essay Essay Mary Shelley might hold written Frankenstein because she was challenged by her hubby and Lord Byron to see who could compose the best horror narrative while they were remaining at Villa Diolati by Lake Geneva in Switzerland. Her male parent was interested in Galvanism- running electric currents through the organic structure to reconstruct it to life. In the book, Victor Frankenstein uses similar methods to make the monster. She was besides influenced by the plants of Samuel Taylor and Aaron Burr. First, Shelley tries to make understanding for the monster by depicting his visual aspect in a alone yet hideous manner: he s gigantic ; about eight pess ; deformed ; black lips and in conclusion, yellow tegument barely covered the work of musculuss and arterias beneath . When you link these descriptions together, Shelley creates a vivid, unnatural image of the monster in the head s oculus. This creates understanding for the monster by doing him detestable to typical worlds. Normally when person is different in the society, they are pitied, oppressed or threatened by the bulk. We will write a custom essay sample on How Mary Shelley Creates Sympathy For Monster English Literature Essay specifically for you for only $16.38 $13.9/page Order now We will write a custom essay sample on How Mary Shelley Creates Sympathy For Monster English Literature Essay specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Hire Writer We will write a custom essay sample on How Mary Shelley Creates Sympathy For Monster English Literature Essay specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Hire Writer Second, Shelley tries to make understanding for the monster the remarks Victor makes behind his dorsum. He says before doing him that he hoped his creative activity would bless him as his creator . He besides believed the monster to hold happy and excellent nature and be beautiful . His words betrayed him when the monster was created. Alternatively of his work being beautiful, he says he s a filthy creative activity , he s ugly , horrid and a demonical cadaver . This makes us sympathize for the monster because his male parent, his Godhead detests him. If the adult male that should be his male parent does non like him, it does non give him much hope with other people. The pick of words here are really affectional, it makes the reader feel understanding and sorrow for the monster. Frankenstein s brother, William, besides detests the monster ; he states he s a monster! An ugly wretch! and an monster . This besides makes us experience poignance for the monster because even though he has done no injury to William at that point, he is able to be prejudice merely by looking at his visual aspect. Third, Shelley tries to make understanding for the monster through remarks said to his face, Frankenstein says he s a vile insect , and besides adds cursed be the twenty-four hours in which you foremost saw light! The linguistic communication Shelly uses here is really powerful and affectional. He farther goes on to state, Shall I create another similar yourself, whose articulations evil might abandon the universe? This is even harsher as it is coming from his Godhead. It makes the reader want to soothe the monster and assist him. He is lonely. All it wants is person to wish him, person who would handle him like he s a individual, non a thing or an insect. Fourthly, Shelley tries to make understanding for the monster through what people do to him. Victor sprang on him and he flung his custodies from his eyes with force . This makes the reader feel sorry for the monster by doing the monster sound helpless. He does nt merit this intervention. Victor farther goes on to tear up his girlfriend to pieces- merely because the monster happened to be smiling at her. We feel empathy for the monster because it makes us gain that he has feelings like everyone else. A adult male in the forests merely took one glimpse and he tore the miss from his weaponries aimed a gun at his organic structure, and fired . This makes us gain how dismaying people behave towards him. The adult male does nt even give a opportunity to explicate his ground for keeping the girl- his visual aspect is good plenty. These actions make us experience commiseration for him because we know he is guiltless and all he wants is a friend. The 5th manner Shelley tries to do us experience sorry for the monster is through peoples reaction to him. Victor could nt and would nt look at him ; he was unable to digest the facet of being he had created . He thinks of his creative activity as a putrid barbarian without believing hoe helpless and unwanted the monster feels by his male parent s reactions. We would nt wish it if children shrieked and women fainted merely from looking at us, would we? The 6th manner Shelley tries to make understanding for the monster is though his actions when he comes to life. The monster muttered some unarticulate sounds to Frankenstein, he so smiled at Frankenstein, a smile wrinkled his cheeks . When the monster tries to touch Victor, he reacted severely. If person rejected us merely for being ourselves, we would experience truly sad. When the monster turned off, disquieted, from a window he could see a miss fondly being lifted by her male parent. We feel sorry for the monster because we see how loving the adult male was to his kid while Frankenstein loathes the monster. Her pick of linguistic communication makes him sound vulnerable and emotional. He even wept when the household were upset, demoing he has feelings for others, non merely for himself. Finally Shelley attempts to make understanding for the monster through his address. He says all work forces hate the deplorable! These words create understanding for the monster because he knows he s been rejected by society for the manner he looks. It is nt his mistake the manner he looks. Peoples should hold given him a opportunity and judged him on his personality instead than his face. In decision, Mary Shelley makes us sympathize for the monster through his visual aspect, his actions, his address and how others react to him. She gets across this by her pick of words. She uses affectional linguistic communication brightly.
Sunday, November 24, 2019
4 Components to an Award-Winning Resume
4 Components to an Award-Winning Resume Last Monday, Career Directors International (CDI) announced the winners of their 17th annual Toast of the Resume Industry (TORI) award competition. TORI award winners are truly outstanding writers. I am very proud and excited that two members of The Essay Expert’s resume writing team won two awards each! Following the awards announcement, TORI judge Gillian Kelly wrote an article on What the Best Resume Writers Are Doing in 2016. The actual resumes will not be released until next month. In the meantime, Ms. Kelly’s observations serve as valuable advice for resume writers, as well as for job seekers writing their own resumes in 2016-2017. Here are the four main areas where the TORI-award-winning resumes stood out: 1. Storytelling Top-level resumes don’t rattle off boring job duties in long blocky paragraphs. While job duties might be covered in a winning resume, they are connected with a story or accomplishment. Great resumes don’t stop at results. They also explain how that result was achieved, what transformation was necessary to achieve it, and what was unique about the solution. These succinct narratives keep the reader engaged and illustrate the job seeker’s unique brand. Here’s an example from an Essay Expert resume that illustrates story-telling. The following paragraph is the opening paragraph to a position description – a paragraph that often is relegated to a list of job duties: Led largest dollar volume division in country to record sales volume, managing four General Sales Managers and 43 Sales Representatives. Transformed division’s approach to competitive data and market analysis while monitoring lot mix, phasing, new starts, lot premiums, specifications, and promotions. Notice how job duties and scope are covered in this paragraph, but they are made more engaging by wrapping in results and transformative results. 2. Visuals TORI award winners used graphics and other images in their resumes, avoiding the text-heavy look and feel of more traditional resumes. Tools like color, infographics, and text boxes served to accentuate the content of the resume. It’s important to note that if you choose to represent an accomplishment using a graph, you must also write about that accomplishment in a bullet. There are two reasons for this duplicative effort: 1) Since not everyone is visually oriented, they might not even look at the details of the image to understand what it represents, and 2) If the resume gets submitted through an Applicant Tracking System, the data in the graph or image will be lost. Here are just a few examples of graphics used in executive resumes by The Essay Expert: Tools used to create these graphics include basic text boxes, borders, SmartArt, and Excel. You can see how they add pop and interest to what could otherwise be a visually bland resume. 3. Succinct Writing As pointed out by Ms. Kelly, less is more when it comes to resume writing. The best bullets are tightly written, getting each point across in as few words as possible. The fewer words on a resume, the more white space there can be – which is a good thing! White space allows the content to be more easily absorbed. Stay away from densely written, text-heavy resumes, which risk losing the attention of your reader. Here are a couple of examples of tightly written resume bullets: Realized three monthly closing projections in a row, a feat never before achieved in division history. Took one of least profitable divisions and achieved #3 ROI, ranking #2 for lowest overhead and #3 for asset turn. Notice how every word counts! Are your resume bullets this concise, and do they show the true impact you made on your organization? 4. Quantifiable Achievements The best resumes use metrics to nail down achievements, avoiding generalities about a person’s greatness. Buzz words like â€Å"results-oriented†will not fly. And don’t wait to convey your greatest achievements; showcase them in the top 1/3 of the resume! One technique used by TORI award winners was to write â€Å"reverse CAR stories†which state a result, followed by the challenge and action that got the result. Here’s an example of a highlight from the top 1/3 of a resume by The Essay Expert: Built intuitive, interactive user interface for Java web-based delivery system, increasing Java technology downloads by 112% in 3 months. Used Java FX to build Oracles showcase Advanced Results website for 2010 Winter Olympic Games, accessed by 1.2M unique users. Notice there are no generalities in this paragraph; it’s all concrete, factual, quantifiable information. That’s what makes good resume material. Did you learn something from the observations of a TORI judge? How might you change your resume based on her advice and The Essay Expert’s samples? For more examples and tips on how to write a top-notch resume, check out How to Write a WINNING Resume and How to Write a STELLAR Executive Resume, both written by me, Brenda Bernstein. The most current versions of the books are available in PDF through The Essay Expert’s website. Save
Thursday, November 21, 2019
Write paper on PREHENSION Research Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words
Write on PREHENSION - Research Paper Example movements of the several segments of fingers and hand we can hold, maintain, release, take the hand to objects or handle them and move them in all directions. Although the hand has multiple functions, the essential function is prehension. Such capacity appears from the tweezers lobster to the hand of the monkey, but in humans prehension reached its highest degree of functionality. This is due to a particular provision of thumb, which may object to all other fingers (Kapandji 1980).Human manipulative tasks are carried out by hand movements, that frequently involve forceful movements and prehension. The movement of the thumb causes the hand to be aligned with the forearm, resulting in a slight ulnar deviation of the wrist. The large number of muscles and joints of the hand obviously provides the equipment for numerous and varied patterns of movement. Not so evident, but equally important in determining complexity and dexterity of motion, are the large areas of the cerebral cortex given over to the coordination of motion and sensation in the hand. Thus, in the motor cortex the area devoted to the hands approximately equals the total area devoted to arms, trunk, and legs. This circumstance ensures great potentiality for coordinated movement and for learning new activities. Similarly, the sensory areas are large, so that they determine such advanced functions as stereognosis, the ability to recognize the shape of an object simply by holding it in the hand. The great tactile sensitivity of the hand is, of course, in large part due to the rich supply of sense organs in the hand surface itself. The threshold for touch in the finger tip, for example, is 2 gm. per sq. mm. as compared to 33 and 26 for the forearm and abdomen respectively. Insertion of flexor and extensor muscle systems into several major segments along the proximal distal axis provides a variety of flexion extension patterns in the digits. With these attachments, fixation of carpal and metacarpal
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