How to write a personal essay
Essay Writing Services Reviews
Thursday, August 27, 2020
To help another person free essay sample
Weve got a consume injury coming in Get room five prepared, detail! The energy encompassing the Emergency Room was approaching. Specialists running one way; nurture the other it was a disorganized circumstance, and I, the volunteer, was in everything. Prepare the room, Dan! I delayed at that point joined the run of individuals going in every single diverse heading. I went into the injury room and started setting it up. I made the bed and freed the territory from all deterrents. Outside, the stunning sound of an ambulances alarms could be heard. I ran out quickly to see the showing up quiet. As the programmed entryways pushed open, I looked at one of the most ghastly sights I had ever observe: an oblivious kid of around 15 with singed skin. Specialists encompassed him, taking indispensable signs and rewarding his injuries. I looked as he was raced into the room I had arranged. We will compose a custom article test on To support someone else or on the other hand any comparative point explicitly for you Don't WasteYour Time Recruit WRITER Just 13.90/page The entryway was shut and I was again left in the lobby, alone. I represented a moment featuring at the wooden cabinet which obstructed my perspective on the benevolent works being performed. The entryway opened for a brief moment and Jan, an inviting medical attendant, walked around Hes going to be okay, Dan. I pondered internally that it is so superb to support someone else. I found my objective in life that day: to help other people in any capacity I could. Their joy would be mine. As Jimmy Durante once sang, Its so essential to satisfy somebody make only one somebody cheerful and you will be glad as well.
Saturday, August 22, 2020
Criminal Law Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words - 2
Criminal Law - Essay Example A unimportant renouncement of permit isn't sufficient to make up for the preventable demise of an individual brought about by proficient carelessness coming about because of an inability to broaden the standard of care and treatment anticipated from set up benchmarks of satisfactory clinical practice (McClellan, 1994) and Kirk Johnsons position is very justifiable as he is lawyering for the AMA. (170) 2. I believe that a specialist who caused genuine mischief because of weakness, exhaust, absence of rest, negligence, or in any way, shape or form should in any case be held criminally at risk in light of the fact that the patient depends on him totally. Albeit a doctor is required to recuperate and not to cause hurt per their promise, again it is the standard of care that sets the benchmark of what is considered as sufficient clinical consideration, including being truly and intellectually fit to give or render the normal consideration that patients need from social insurance suppliers. In the event that a specialist is to be permitted the different barriers counted before, at that point there is no confirmation any longer that patients get the standard of care they merit. On the off chance that a specialist feels tired and figures he can't act in any sheltered way, at that point the person should forgo practice to keep away from a case like anesthesiologist Dr. Verbrugge, Sr. (Carl son, 1995).(151) 3. A portion of the callings whose individuals can be held obligated for carelessness incorporate the police, for example, not taking great consideration of suspects while in their guardianship, legal counselors who are uninformed of the law and along these lines likewise considered to fall under the meaning of being careless in their lawful practice, instructors who neglected to defend the understudies while they were in school, and firemen who may have neglected to spare a potential fire casualty because of certain deficiencies or plain inadequacy when they could have spared that individual on the off chance that they were not delinquent in their obligations. A teacher is considered as a second or temporary parent
Friday, August 21, 2020
Why Online Essay Writing Kits Can Help Students Out
Why Online Essay Writing Kits Can Help Students OutMany students find they have a difficult time writing samples essays, and you can help them by giving them samples of essays that have been used by other students. They will be able to use these samples to help them and may be able to write better essays in general.The first step is to ask your teachers for good examples of how students are able to write effectively essays. Your teacher may not be able to give you every example that they have ever seen, but they should be able to give you examples that they believe would work well for you. If they cannot give you any examples, then it is time to look for samples online.The best sources for samples are online resources. When it comes to essay writing, there are so many options available. Some teachers have used online resources, but they may not have taught the writing method or the style that you would like to try.It is a good idea to look online for a class that you might be interes ted in. You want to learn about the style and the grammar that are common in various essay types. Online essays give you the ability to get practice by working with the same sample that you are working with online. This is one of the advantages of doing this type of practice.Even if you do not choose to work online, you can still get help from a course book. Many of the courses that are available are specifically written for students in high school or college and may be better for you because of the expectations that you may have.In order to write an essay, you must know English grammar and how to format a paper for the best effect. Online resources can also help you with these subjects, especially if you are struggling. Many of the resources that are available will also include audio files that will help you learn how to structure a paper.A lot of the grammar that you learn in high school and college comes from parents who were English teachers at a young age. So, many of the techn iques that they learned in school are transferable to the online world. These techniques include structures, sentence patterns, and the proper use of grammar.Once you start using the tools that are available, you will find that you can create much better papers that are easy to read and understand. The right tools are important, and this is a great reason why you should choose online resources to help you learn more about the writing process. You want to be able to find a resource that has professional writing style, and that has a group of writers that are learning together. You want to be able to find a resource that can help you succeed with this skill, and you want to be able to find a resource that includes many examples of how students have used these strategies successfully.
Monday, May 25, 2020
Ted Bundy s Influence On The Family - 1591 Words
Ted Bundy was born on November 24, 1946 in Burlington, Vermont, bringing much disgrace to his mother and family. Bundy was born out of wed lock, his mother Eleanor Louis Cowell was twenty-two and was raised in an overly religious household. Cowell moved back home to Philadelphia with her parents to raise her new son. To hide the fact that he was an illegitimate child, Bundy was raised to believe his grandparents were his parents and his mother was his sister. They moved soon thereafter to Tacoma, Washington, where in 1951 Cowell married Johnnie Bundy, a military cook. Ted then took his stepfathers last name, becoming Ted Bundy. The couple had several children together and Bundy grow up in what appeared to be a content working-class family. At a young age Bundy developed an interest in macabre. Around the young age of three, Bundy developed an odd fascination of knives. His Stepfathers attempts to integrate Bundy into the family were futile and only furthered him from the rest of his family. Bundy was a very shy child but did extremely well in school. His shyness resulted in him appearing socially awkward. This followed with him for the rest of his life though he was able to make friends, he never felt comfortable with them. He would later come to say â€Å"I didn’t know what made people want to be friends. I didn’t know what made people attractive to one another. I didn’t know what underlay social interactions.†Despite his aloofness, his boyish good looks made him moreShow MoreRelatedTed Bundy Was Raised By His Grandparents1323 Words  | 6 PagesTed Bundy By: Luis Esquivel Background Ted Bundy was born November 24, 1946, in Burlington, Vermont. Theodore â€Å"Ted†Bundy was raised by his grandparents. Eleanor Cowell, Ted’s mom was twenty-two and unmarried when she had Theodore. To hide the fact that Theodore was an illegitimate child, he was raised as the adopted son of his grandparents and was told that his mother was his sister. Bundy’s mom moved to Tacoma, Washington a few years later and married Johnnie Bundy and had several children togetherRead MoreSerial Murders Are Not Indigenous, Nor Are They A New Phenomenon1157 Words  | 5 PagesWhat can cause someone to go on a ravenous murder spree? Serial murders are not indigenous, nor are they a new phenomenon. Ted Bundy and The Zodiac Killer are well-known individuals that are often mentioned when speaking about infamous serial killers. Conventional characteristics such as quantity, time, and place are all put into consideration when classifying a murderer as a serial killer (FBI). The F ederal Bureau of Investigation definition states that three or more murders must take place at differentRead MoreBiography Of Theodore Robert Cowells Life1163 Words  | 5 PagesCowell, twenty-two years old and unmarried and an unidentified father. Eleanor’s family suspected that her abusive father was Bundy’s biological father. Being an unwed, single mother in 1946 was looked down upon, and as a result Bundy was raised by his religious grandparents. His grandparents and mother both aware of the truth, tell young Ted that the women he has been with is his sister. Throughout his childhood, Bundy thought his grandfather was a respected man, with dignity and honor. Later findingRead MoreCriminology: A View of Social Structure Theories1481 Words  | 6 Pagesï » ¿Ted Bundy When many people think of serial killers, the image that comes to mind is that of Theodore Robert Bundy. There had been serial killers before Bundy, but because he was good looking and socially adept, he challenged the conceptions that people had about the appearance of evil. Up until that point, many people were convinced that bad or evil people would appear different from other people. Bundy made people aware that the most evil and dangerous members of society could not be detectedRead MoreAn Early Spring Morning By Lynda Ann Healy1988 Words  | 8 Pages During an early spring morning, Lynda Ann Healy went missing and Ted Bundy would soon be the one to blame. At first no one thought anything of her absence, but her friends and family soon grew suspicious when Healy did not show up for dinner as expected. Lynda’s parents soon called the police and when the police investigated lynda’s dorm room they were shocked at what they had found. Lynda’s bed was made a way she had never made it before, a sheet and a pillow case were missing, a spot of bloodRead MoreTed Bundy: a Personality Comparison with the Theories Od Rollo May and Albert Bandura2868 Words  | 12 PagesTed Bundy 2 Ted Bundy: A Personality Comparison With The Theories Of Rollo May and Albert Bandura The objective of this case study is to examine the personality of one of the most notorious serial killers in modern history, Ted Bundy. Ted Bundy was alleged to have humiliated, tortured and murdered at least 50 women. Possibility more, but the true number will never be known. Because Ted Bundy kept the true number of his victims to himself and refused to inform authorities of the exactRead More Ted Bundy Essay2768 Words  | 12 Pages Ted Bundy 2 Ted Bundy: A Personality Comparison With The Theories Of Rollo May and Albert Bandura The objective of this case study is to examine the personality of one of the most notorious serial killers in modern history, Ted Bundy. Ted Bundy was alleged to have humiliated, tortured and murdered at least 50 women. Possibility more, but the true number will never be known. Because Ted Bundy kept the true number of his victims to himself and refused to inform authorities of the exact number ofRead MoreWhy Misfits Is An American Serial Killer1379 Words  | 6 Pagesan American serial killer, Theodore Robert Bundy, who assaulted and murdered numerous young women and girls during the 1970s. While injuring and murdering his victims, Theodore didn’t bother to envision life from the perspective of his victims. At a court trial on January, 1989, Theodore or Ted, was once acknowledged calling himself, â€Å"...the most cold-hearted son of a bitch you’ll ever meet†(Michaud, 1999). This reveals how ruthless and hard-hearted Ted was. Other characters of Misfits coul d alsoRead MoreCriminal Profile And Behavioral And Personality Characteristics1658 Words  | 7 PagesNovember 24, 1946, at a home for unwed mothers in Vermont. For the first several years of his life, Ted grew up as his mother’s shameful secret, believing his grandparents were his parents and his mother was his sister to hide that he was an illegitimate child since her parents were deeply religious. It was also rumored that his grandpa was actually his biological father but that was never proven. Bundy showed an unusual interest in macabre at an early age and by age 3 became fascinated by knives. HeRead MoreCapital Punishment : Christianity And Judaism1318 Words  | 6 PagesReligion plays a big role in some people s lives and can influence their opinion on capital punishment. In the U.S. the two largest religions are Christianity and Judaism, within both of those religions some people are for capital punishment and some are against capital punishment. Several christia n groups in the late 1970s formalized their religious and moral reasons against the imposition of the death penalty. â€Å"Among them was, capital punishment: violated the command by Jesus to employ the ethic
Friday, May 15, 2020
Wednesday, May 6, 2020
Diagnosis And Treatment Of Breast Cancer - 2197 Words
One out of every eight women in the US is diagnosed with breast cancer every year. When women get older, their chances of developing breast cancer increases. In fact, 80% of all breast cancer patients are women ages fifty and up. As the number of breast cancer patients increases year after year, identification methods and treatments are beginning to advance. Doctors and pathologists are using the highest levels of technology to treat abnormalities inside of the body. The tumor is discovered through either mammography or self-breast examinations. Through these methods, doctors are able to discover the tumor and decide on what treatment is right for each patient. When it comes to treating breast cancer, there are multiple treatment options; the type and severity of the cancer help the doctor decide the optimal treatment plan for each patient. Identification is the first and most critical step in treating breast cancer, detection methods include self-breast examinations and mammography. Self-breast examinations are highly recommended for anyone of any age who has breasts. For this method, every month women check the areas around their breast as well as under their arms for any abnormal lumps (Breast World 4). Those who go about doing these examinations have a greater chance of identifying their cancerous mass sooner because of how frequently they are checking (4). Mammography is another helpful way to identify any lumps or abnormalities. In this process, a large machine usesShow MoreRelatedThe Diagnosis And Treatment Of Breast Cancer1947 Words  | 8 Pages3D Mammography The diagnosis and treatment of breast cancer and other non-cancerous diseases are very important in improving the quality of life for many women. The early diagnosis of the non-cancerous disease can reduce the incidence of breast cancer through effective treatment of mastopathy (fibrocystic of the breasts tissue). In the area of study, a variety of imaging modalities is implemented to assist with the diagnosis. These imaging modalities includes multi-frequency electrical impedanceRead MoreBreast Cancer Research : Diagnosis With Treatment1844 Words  | 8 PagesBreast Cancer Research Including the Diagnosis with Treatment Ellie A. Rider New Castle Career Center Health Science Education Mrs. Talbott December 2, 2014 Author Note Ellie A. Rider, Health Science Education, New Castle Career Programs. Correspondence concerning this article should be addressed to Ellie Rider, Health Science Education, New Castle Career Programs, New Castle IN, 47362. Contact: erider2015@gmail Abstract This paper will explain to you an in depth description of an illnessRead MoreHuman Epidermal Growth Factor ( Her2 )1153 Words  | 5 Pagescontrol the growth and spread of certain cancers. Breast cancer is defined as HER2 positive (HER2+) when there is an extremely high level of HER2 receptors present within the cancerous tumour of the breast tissue (Macmillan, 2013). 1.2 Aims and objectives This report aims to give an overview on breast cancer focusing on the HER2+ sub-type of the disease; it includes an overview of aetiology, epidemiology, pathophysiology, clinical presentation, diagnosis and treatment. It will also include how the advancesRead MoreInformative Breast Cancer Speech Essay899 Words  | 4 PagesInformative Speech: Breast Cancer Attention Getter: What do Sheryl Crow, Judy Blume, Suzanne Somers, Wanda Sykes and my Mother have in common? They are all breast cancer survivors. Topic Disclosure: Today I am going to talk to you about breast cancer information and awareness Preview: During my speech I will discuss: * Symptoms and Diagnosis * Treatment and Side effects * Ways to lower risk and Statistics Audience Link: There is a large amount of men and women who are diagnosedRead MoreOrgan Specific Cancer Treatments. Certain Advanced Cancer1068 Words  | 5 Pagesspecific cancer treatments Certain advanced cancer hospitals manage cancer in an organ specific way, and accordingly oncologists are reserved for treating cancers affecting specific organs only. Accordingly, oncologists have successfully treated breast cancer, head and neck cancer, gynecological cancer, orthopedic cancer, lung cancer, neuro cancer, and liver cancer. Understanding each organ specific cancer and the treatment available for it Breast Cancer It is the commonest of cancers affectingRead MoreBreast Cancer Diagnosis: The Psychosocial and Educational Needs1172 Words  | 5 PagesWhat are the psychosocial and educational needs of a breast cancer patient? In the United States, breast cancer is the most common form of cancer that women are diagnosed with (Stephens, Osowski, Fidale, Spagnoli, 2008). Those diagnosed tend to go through stages of fear, disbelief, shock, and sadness. â€Å"Nurses can improve the quality of care for women with breast cancer and their families by providing additional support services and post-treatment information during the initial education and follow-upRead MoreBreast Cancer Develops From The Breast Tissue1216 Words  | 5 PagesBreast Cancer Breast cancer develops from the breast tissue. It occurs when abnormal cells in the breast divide uncontrollably and form tumours. The tumours are either a lump or a thickening of body tissue. According to cancer research UK, in 2012, there was 50,750 new cases of breast cancer in women and 353 new cases of breast cancer in men, in the UK. There was also 11,716 deaths from breast cancer. ( More Women Coping with Breast Cancer Essay1688 Words  | 7 PagesCoping with Breast Cancer Coping has been closely connected to stress; it involves a process by which a person attempts to restore balance in response to a stressful life event (Henderson, Gore, Davis, and Condon, 2003). The most common cancer among Canadian women in 2010 is breast cancer. An average of 445 Canadian women will be diagnosed with breast cancer and an average of 100 Canadian women will die of breast cancer every week (Canadian Cancer Society, 2010). Coping with breast cancer has beenRead MoreThe Ethical Phenomenon Of Breast Cancer Screening And Treatments867 Words  | 4 Pagesboth the BRCA1 and BRCA 2 gene mutations and choosing bilateral mastectomies for early-stage breast cancers (Weintraub, 2015). Oncologists saw a 50% increase for risk-reduction mastectomy surgery related to the â€Å"Jolie Effect†. The impact of an actress, known for her beauty, to willing risk her body image to increase her lifespan survival has philanthropically advanced the issues surrounding breast cancer. Racial Cultural Williams, Templin, and Hines (2013) identified that some populations groupsRead MoreBreast Cancer Essay830 Words  | 4 Pagesearly breast cancer with 170 women providing complete interview data up to either five years after diagnosis or recurrence. The aim of this study was to examine the prevalence and risk factors for depression and anxiety in women with early breast cancer in the five years after diagnosis. The study used structured interviews and standardised diagnostic criteria to assess the point prevalence and period prevalence of clinically important depression and anxiety in women with early breast cancer in the
Tuesday, May 5, 2020
Drug addiction and abuse Essay Example For Students
Drug addiction and abuse Essay The illegal or harmful use of drugs is a major threat to the world and to future generations. Drugs are substances that are becoming more common in our communities as each day goes by. The demand for drugs is also increasing daily. People need to act and play a part in the combating of drugs starting in their own homes. Every individual needs to be aware of the consequences of drug abuse and to help spread the word starting at young ages. All parts of local and world communities need to unite the strengths of professional expertise, generational wisdom, and individual commitment to combat the drug problem as they strive together toward a healthier world. The fear of facing the consequences might even prevent some of those who planned to handle drugs. Organizations against drug abuse need to support efforts to prevent availability and use of drugs, and oppose policies and programs that accept drug use. They also need to support international treaties and agreements, including international authorizations and penalties against drug trafficking, and oppose attempts to weaken international drug policies and laws. Higher support in organizing efforts for a drug-free environment is needed in every community. Students need to be offered a higher number of extracurricular activities in which to participate. This would help keep children and teens off of the streets. In their free time they would still be able to hang out with their peers and have fun, yet they would be safer being held under adult supervision. Society needs to support healthy drug-free attitudes, environment, and activities, while reinforcing non-acceptance toward the presence of drugs and destructive behavior. A higher amount of adult volunteers and organizations are needed in order to provide the children with these extracurricular activities without cost. This is where these organizations can ask for state government help in order to provide them with the sufficient money to provide these after school activities. Parents should also be encouraged to take a part in these programs with their children whenever they can. That way the bond between the parent and child can grow and there will be a higher comfort level when parents talk to their child about drug abuse. Many drug consumers are introduced to drugs at an early age when they are young and nave and become addicted from there on. If children have more knowledge about drugs and its consequences there is a better chance for them to making a wiser decision when it comes to drugs. According to an article from the National Center on Addiction and Substance abuse at Columbia University (CASA), only one in four teens in America lives with hands-on parents. These are parents who have established a household culture of rules and expectations for their teens behavior and monitor what their teens do, such as the TV shows they watch, the CDs they buy, what they access on the Internet, and where they are evenings and weekends. These teens are at one quarter the risk of smoking, drinking and using drugs as teens with hands-off parents, according to a new survey of one thousand American teen ages 12-17 released by CASA. Mothers and fathers who are parents to their children rather than pals can greatly reduce the risk of their children smoking, drinking and using drugs. .u71c1fbf6140bc83394175bf41b4797ad , .u71c1fbf6140bc83394175bf41b4797ad .postImageUrl , .u71c1fbf6140bc83394175bf41b4797ad .centered-text-area { min-height: 80px; position: relative; } .u71c1fbf6140bc83394175bf41b4797ad , .u71c1fbf6140bc83394175bf41b4797ad:hover , .u71c1fbf6140bc83394175bf41b4797ad:visited , .u71c1fbf6140bc83394175bf41b4797ad:active { border:0!important; } .u71c1fbf6140bc83394175bf41b4797ad .clearfix:after { content: ""; display: table; clear: both; } .u71c1fbf6140bc83394175bf41b4797ad { display: block; transition: background-color 250ms; webkit-transition: background-color 250ms; width: 100%; opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #95A5A6; } .u71c1fbf6140bc83394175bf41b4797ad:active , .u71c1fbf6140bc83394175bf41b4797ad:hover { opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #2C3E50; } .u71c1fbf6140bc83394175bf41b4797ad .centered-text-area { width: 100%; position: relative ; } .u71c1fbf6140bc83394175bf41b4797ad .ctaText { border-bottom: 0 solid #fff; color: #2980B9; font-size: 16px; font-weight: bold; margin: 0; padding: 0; text-decoration: underline; } .u71c1fbf6140bc83394175bf41b4797ad .postTitle { color: #FFFFFF; font-size: 16px; font-weight: 600; margin: 0; padding: 0; width: 100%; } .u71c1fbf6140bc83394175bf41b4797ad .ctaButton { background-color: #7F8C8D!important; color: #2980B9; border: none; border-radius: 3px; box-shadow: none; font-size: 14px; font-weight: bold; line-height: 26px; moz-border-radius: 3px; text-align: center; text-decoration: none; text-shadow: none; width: 80px; min-height: 80px; background: url(; position: absolute; right: 0; top: 0; } .u71c1fbf6140bc83394175bf41b4797ad:hover .ctaButton { background-color: #34495E!important; } .u71c1fbf6140bc83394175bf41b4797ad .centered-text { display: table; height: 80px; padding-left : 18px; top: 0; } .u71c1fbf6140bc83394175bf41b4797ad .u71c1fbf6140bc83394175bf41b4797ad-content { display: table-cell; margin: 0; padding: 0; padding-right: 108px; position: relative; vertical-align: middle; width: 100%; } .u71c1fbf6140bc83394175bf41b4797ad:after { content: ""; display: block; clear: both; } READ: Martin Luther King Jr. And Affirmative Action Essay They can counter negative media influences and the prevalence of marijuana and other drugs in a teens world. Drug prevention teams can also counter the messages sent by media .
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